
Fast cars, pretty girls, and enormous piles of cash

In my quest to expand my readership, I've been doing some market research. And by that, I mean I've been listening in on conversations between other guys in the dorm.

As any advertiser will tell you, young males are the most important demographic to appeal to, and judging by my extensive research, their attention can be attracted by three things: Fast cars, pretty girls, and enormous piles of cash. So I've decided that my next few entries will be a three-part series of true stories, and each story will prominently feature one of those things. Here's one teaser from each story: the cash was mine, the girl was tipsy, and the car tops out at about 170mph.

Interested? Good. Bookmark me. ;-)


At 6:26 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

So! When were we going to start this series? ;-)

At 11:44 PM , Blogger Life on Wry said...

I'm a little busy right now, but I'll try to have one up Thursday or Friday.


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